Spaces Communications Issues

i’ve recently received several messages from various people trying to chat with me. unfortunately, i haven’t been able to respond due to some communication preference that i receive error messages about. i’m sorry that i haven’t responded.

So now I’ll attempt to answer some of these messages:

d.L, i’m still learning the language. while my vocabulary is improving, i’m in no position to presume to educate anyone on the formalities and associated syntax regarding Nihon-go. however, should you know any links to language resources, feel free (no, encouraged) to send them along. maybe you could teach me a couple rules about arabic. i think it’s a show of respect when you properly pronounce names and words from "foreign languages".

no, Joey, i’m not a rapist.

Kate, that’s a lot of personal information to give out to a complete stranger especially considering you’re 11 years old. luckily (and thanks to Joey for asking), i’m not a rapist. in future, exercise caution in the dissemination of personal information. there are people out there who could take advantage of you, and you never know if the people at "To Catch A Predator" are looking out for you. let’s hope they are.

happymushroom, i’d like to make friends. why don’t you add me to messenger or something?

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